Latest ECE EEE Engineering Projectsadmin2024-07-16T13:46:07+05:30 Latest ECE EEE Engineering Project List #Trendingprojects #Newproject #ECE projects #EEEprojects IOT Accident Monitoring SystemIOT Solar Panel Monitoring SystemIOT Air Quality Measurement on WebserverIOT Smart Helmet 1. Wireless Robotic Tank using RF Communication2. IoT Based Smart Parking System3. Smart Wireless helmet for Miners based on RF4. Brain Controlled Home Automation5. Advanced Solar Chimney6. IOT Based Energy Theft Detection7. Women Safety Device With GPS Tracking & Alerts8. Mid Day Meal Vehicle Tracking system using Arduino GPS GSM9. Speed Control of BLDC Motor Closed Loop10.Variable Timer to Trigger Relay11.Gate control using Arduino and Servo Motor12. Smart Waste Segregator13. Zigbee Based Wireless Air Quality Monitoring14. Hover Board Bluetooth controlled using Arduino and Android App15.Tongue force Calculation using FSR16. Smart Toll System17. PWM Speed Control of Dc Motor using Arduino18. Advanced Regenerative Braking System with ABS19. Advanced Pneumatic Bumper CAR20.Intelligent Braking System with Disc Brake21.Wireless Hoverbike22.Sand Filter & Separator with two filter frame and Variable speed23.Solar Inverter with Voltage Measurement24.IOT Based Transformer Health Monitoring25.Advanced Wireless Blind Stick26.Density Traffic Control System using Arduino27.IOT Based Smart Helmet for Miners28.Displaying Variable Voltage using LM 13529. IOT Based Solar Powered Inverter and Irrigation System30. IOT based Smart Door Lock31. IOT Based Transformer Health monitoring Single32.Advanced Waste Segregator with GSM33.Ultra Fast Electronic Circuit Breaker34. IOT Based Patient Monitoring Device35.RF Based Speed Control of Vehicle in School Area36. Obstacle Avoidance Robot37. Energy Generation Through Speed Breaker and Piezo Electric38.Bluetooth Controlled LED Effects in Dress39. Self Balancing Robot40. IOT Based Home Automation41. IOT Based Multisource Power for Distributing Panel with Prepaid RFID42. Smart Blind Stick with Home Automation43. GSM and RFID Based Vehicle Tracking at Toll Gate44. IOT Based Home Automation with FSR45. Advanced Smart Shopping Trolley for Mall46. Eyes Movement Based Robot47. Air Quality Measurement System48. Auto Power Supply control from Different Power Source49. Alcohal Detector using AVR Atmega 1650. Coin Based Water Dispenser51. IOT & GSM based Fault Finder in Load Line52. Touch Screen Controlled Smart Home Automation53. Over weight truck challan system based on RFID54. Cell Phone Detector55. Prepaid Energy Meter56. Bluetooth Based Propeller Display57. IOT based Weather Monitoring System58.Smart Glove for Dumb and Deaf People59.Smart Glove Zigbee Controlled Robotic car60.Speed Measurement of Motor61.RF Based Wireless Solar Panel powered irrigation System62.PWM Speed control of DC Motor63.Zigbee Based Wireless Patient Monitoring System64.Underground Human Detectio using Vibration Sensors65.Transformer Health Monitoring on Web Server66.Foot Step Energy Generation67. Automatic Gear Shifting Mechanism68. Stair Climbing Advanced Wheel Chair69. Advanced Wheel Chair70. Android Controlled Power Turning Hover Craft71. Pneumatic Braking System72. Wirless Solar Grass Cutter73. Hover Bike for Human Detection in Earthquake Disaster74. Hover Craft using BLDC Motors75. Single Axis Solar Tracker76. Hexapod using Servo Motors77. Smart Jacket for Soldier using peltier78. Advanced Firefighting Robot79. 360 Conveyor Belt on Hydraulic Based Robot80. Automatic Bike Stand81. Solar Based Smart Umbrella82. Multi tool Machine83. Automatic Ticketing Machine84. Advanced Sewing Machine for Handicapped85. Arduino CNC Plotter86. Rod Bending Roller87. Four stroke Electromagnetic Engine88. Pipe Inspection Robot89. Pick and Place Robotic Car90. Hydraulics Rail Rotating System91. Pedal Powered Dirty Water Distillation Device92. Solar Chip Dryer93. Pick and Place Crane with fire extinguisher94. Remote Controlled Pick and Robo Car95. Box Shifting Mechanism96. Cross Bowman Shotgun97. Solar Bike with Automatic Speed Control Feature98. Car with four Stroke Engine99. Autonomous Fire Extinguisher Robotic Car100. PC Controlled Mine Detecting & Disposable Robot using Zigbee 1km range 101. Autonomous Drone with RTL, FAIL SAFE, GPS HOLD , CUSTOMIZABLE102. Advanced Border Security103. Pneumatic Robotics Crane104. Advanced Mechanical Goat105. Mini Hacksaw Powered By Beam Engine106. Earthquake Measurement107. Single Axis Solar tracker with Irrigation System108. Dual Axis Solar with Irrigation System109. Pneumatic Cane Crusher110. Mechanical Spider111. Automatic Braking System112. Water Filling System using Conveyor Belt113. Electromagnetic Braking System114. Pneumatic Sheet Cutting115. Advanced Sewage Waste Cleaning Plant116. Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Power Generation117. Advanced Firefighting Robot118. Wireless Robotic Hand using Arduino119. Hexacopter Air Dropper using Pixhawk | Ardupilot120. Box Shifting Mechanism with Speed Control using PWM121. Medical Drone122. Wireless Prison Break Monitoring and Alerting system123. Bank Security System with Finger print, Camera, GSM, Keypad, IOT Arduino124. Smart Guidance Belt for Blind People125. IoT Smart Shopping Basket using Arduino126. Quick Return Mechanism127. RF Remote Controlled Surveillance Robotic Car128. Pre Paid Energy Meter with Theft Detection129. DTMF Based Home Automation130. Zero Radius 360 Degree Turning Car131. Automatic Stair Climbing Robot132. IOT Solar Tracker with Inverter 12V to 220V AC133. IOT Based Dual Axis Solar Tracker with Irrigation and Soil Health Monitoring System134. IOT Controlled Smart Street Light using Arduino135 . IOT Based Smart Dustbin136. IOT Based Smart Green Parking and Wireless Charging System for Electric Vehicle137. IOT Based Smart Parking System with Gate138. IOT Based Solar Panel Monitoring System using Arduino and ESP8266139. IOT Based Smart Garbage Monitoring System140.IOT Based Air Quality Monitoring System using Arduino and Wifi141. IOT Underground Cable Fault Detection142. IOT Based Smart Shopping Trolley for Mall143. IOT Vehicle Accident Detection and Alert System using Arduino144. Bank Security System with Finger Print, Camera, GSM, Keypad, Wifi IOT145. IOT Based Glucose Monitoring System146. IOT Based Direction Control of Stepper Motor147. IOT Based Multisource Power for Distributing Panel with Prepaid RFID148. IOT Based Advance Transformer Health Monitoring System