Latest Raspberry Pi Based Projects List
Credit card size Powerful computer – we highly recommend projects based on Raspberry pi
RP-1. Voice Controlled Home Automation Using Raspberry Pi (Highly Recommended)
RP-2. Raspberry pi home automation over Wi-Fi and Android
RP-3. Wi-Fi Digital Sign Notice Board Controlled by Android Phone and Raspberry pi
RP-4. A CAN Protocol based Embedded System to Avoid Rear End Collision of Vehicles
RP-5. Raspberry Pi based Magic Mirror (IOT Based)
RP-6. Raspberry Pi based temperature logger on twitter / Facebook.
RP-7. Raspberry Pi based Motor Speed Control
RP-8. Monitoring and controlling of smart equipment’s using Android compatible devices towards Iot applications and services in the manufacturing industry (Highly Recommended)
RP-9. A Smart System Connecting e-Health Sensors and the Cloud
RP-10. Design and operation of Wi-Fi Agri bot integrated system
RP-11. Web based Automatic Irrigation System using wireless sensor network and Embedded Linux board
RP-12. Design of Small Smart Home System Based on Arduino & raspberry pi
RP-13. Development of a Raspberry Pi Based Automated Household Utility Power Monitoring System
RP-14. An Internet of things approach for motion detection using Raspberry Pi
RP-15. WSN for traffic monitoring using Raspberry Pi board