M Tech Java Based Project

Mtech Btech Java Based Projects List

Below are the base paper IEEE based. We will do research work in the following topics. Contact us for more details. Also, we will help in Writing Thesis and research Paper.

S.No.List of the ProjectBase.paper
1.Secure Data Sharing and Searching at the Edge of Cloud-Assisted Internet of ThingsDownload
2.Achieving Scalable Access Control Over Encrypted Data for Edge Computing NetworksDownload
3.Uncertain Data Clustering in Distributed Peer-to-Peer NetworksDownload
4.Securing Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Protocol in Wireless Sensor NetworksDownload
5.Predicting Cyberbullying on Social Media in the Big Data Era Using Machine Learning AlgorithmsDownload
6.Design of Secure Authenticated Key Management Protocol for Cloud Computing EnvironmentsDownload
7.Securing Data in Internet of Things Using Cryptography and Steganography TechniquesDownload
8.Design of Secure Authenticated Key Management Protocol for Cloud Computing EnvironmentsDownload
9.Spammer Detection and Fake User Identification on Social NetworksDownload
10.Secure Data Sharing and Searching at the Edge of Cloud-Assisted Internet of ThingsDownload
11.Characterizing and Countering Communal Micro-Blogs During Disaster EventsDownload
12.Collaborative Filtering-Based Recommendation of Online Social VotingDownload
13.Edge Computing based Trustworthy Data Collection Model in the Internet of ThingsDownload
14.On Scalable and Robust Truth Discovery in Big
Data Social Media Sensing Applications

JAVA Based -Mobile Computing Project Lists


S. No.List Of ProjectsBase PaperAbstract
1Reward or Penalty: Aligning Incentives of Stakeholders in CrowdsourcingDownloadDownload
2Fair Resource Allocation for System Throughput Maximization in Mobile Edge ComputingDownloadDownload
3A Proxy-based Collaboration System to Minimize Content Download Time and Energy ConsumptionDownloadDownload
4Detecting Mobile Malicious Web-pages in Real TimeDownloadDownload
5Quantifying Interdependent Privacy Risks with Location DataDownloadDownload
6SUPERMAN Security Using Pre-Existing Routing for Mobile Ad hoc NetworksDownloadDownload
7Characterizing and Countering Communal Micro-Blogs During Disaster EventsDownloadDownload
8Webpage Depth Viewability Prediction using Deep Sequential Neural NetworksDownloadDownload
9Collaborative Filtering-Based Recommendation of Online Social Voting 4DownloadDownload
10Detecting Stress Based on Social Interactions in Social NetworksDownloadDownload
11Secure Range Search over Encrypted Uncertain IoT Outsourced DataDownloadDownload
12Achieving Scalable Access Control Over Encrypted Data for Edge Computing NetworksDownloadDownload
13Securing Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Protocol in Wireless Sensor NetworksDownloadDownload
14Uncertain Data Clustering in Distributed Peer-to-Peer NetworksDownloadDownload
15High Throughput Opportunistic Cooperative Device-to-Device Communications With CachingDownloadDownload
16Secure Data Sharing and Searching at the Edge of Cloud-Assisted Internet of ThingsDownloadDownload
17 Secure and Efficient Product Information Retrieval in Cloud ComputingDownloadDownload
18Secure Attribute-Based Signature Scheme with Multiple Authorities for Block chain in Electronic Health Records SystemsDownloadDownload
19Secure Identity-based Data Sharing and Profile Matching for Mobile Healthcare Social Networks in Cloud ComputingDownloadDownload
20A Key-Policy Attribute-Based Temporary Keyword Search scheme for Secure Cloud StorageDownloadDownload
21Customer-Satisfaction-Aware Optimal Multi-Server Configuration for Profit Maximization in Cloud ComputingDownloadDownload
22Privacy Protection and Intrusion Avoidance for Cloudlet-based Medical Data SharingDownloadDownload
23Privacy Protection based Access Control Scheme in Cloud-based ServicesDownloadDownload
24PCCA: Position Confidentiality Conserving Algorithm for Content-Protection in e-Governance Services and ApplicationsDownloadDownload
25Deep Clue: Visual Interpretation of Text-based Deep Stock PredictionDownloadDownload
26Improving Deep Learning Performance Using Random Forest HTM Cortical Learning AlgorithmDownloadDownload


Procedure at XiLiR Technologies

1. Selection of topic IEEE Based | Selecting the right Tool
We guide Students to select the latest innovative topic on trending technologies. Students can come up with their own topics. We recommend selection Standard thesis topics from international journals like IEEE based.
We make Proper Synopsis on the Selected Topic with new work and technique to be implemented.

2. Topic Approval From your College Mentor/Guide
Your college mentor /Guide is the person who accepts the topic then we proceed further.

3. Literature survey
The literature survey is done for the topic you have selected from previous years papers.

4. The conclusion of the literature survey
Conclusion after Studying previous work on the selected topic.

5. Base Paper implementation
We guide students on how to make a working model of project from selected base paper.
Selected Base Paper is Implemented so that we can improve the result and Apply new Techniques for enhanced work.

6. Proposed work Implementation | Research Work
New techniques are Designed and applied to the Working model or Simulation Circuit for Enhanced results.
Complete Training is Given to the student on how to make a working model for your project.

7. New results and analysis
The new results from a working model are taken out and compared with the previous working model.

8. Get result Verification from your mentor
Verifying your work from college mentor/guide.

9. Thesis and Research paper Writing without Plagiarism.
Complete thesis and Research paper for Final submission in college / University. Thesis/paper are made and edited and are completely plagiarism free and report on plagiarism is given to the students.
We check thesis on the latest online software like Turnitin, plagiarism x checker etc .

10. Get Your Work Published in Leading Journals like IEEE, Scopus, UGC approved or as Required.
We help students to published their research in Internal journals or as required by students.

How to contact us

Students looking for best help in Delhi India Delhi can contact XiLiR technologies.XiLiR technologies best place of thesis-related problem whether it is for MTech or for Ph.D.

Feel Free to Contact us for any inquiry like selecting projects | New ideas | Synopsis 2019

You can contact or WhatsApp us on this any time




Email id : xilirtech@gmail.com