GSM | GPS Based Projects 2018-2019
GSM Can be added to any project
G-1. LED Dot matrix moving display using
Message through Android Application.
G-2. Flex sensor based signal indicator using GSM.
G-3. Flex & accelerometer based Smart Glove for dumb person for
Converting Sign Language to text on LCD to speech (Highly Recommended)
G-4. Self-indicating smart dustbins using GSM, Pick & Robotic car
G-5. Wireless camera surveillance robot using GPS and GSM.
G-6. Advanced vehicle tracking accident monitoring system using GSM GPS
G-7. GSM based Patient Monitoring System (Heartbeat, LM35, GSR, Glucose bottle)
G-8. Intelligent courier system through RFID and GSM using AVR
G-9. Geographical environment sensing system.
G-10. PLC SCADA implementation using GSM and android app
G-11. Directions for Blind person on road by GPS navigator
G-12. Internet things & GSM Based LPG Detection System
G-13. GSM Based Voting System
G-14. GSM based Bike Tank Monitoring & Security System
G-15. GSM Based Intelligent Streetlight Controlling System with Vehicle Counter
G-16. Home security System based on LPG gas, Smoke and Fire Sensors with SMS based alerts
G-17. Solar based GSM Based Wireless Advanced Irrigation System
G-18. Smart card and GSM based advanced security system
G-19. Temperature based Fan Speed Controller and SMS alerts using GSM modem.
G-20. Voice enable device switching for physically challenged & emergency alerts through SMS.
G-21. Street Light monitoring and control system using GSM based mobile phone
G-22. Forest fire and rainfall monitoring system using GSM technology
Last year our students from MIT won Rs10 lakh from CM of UP
G-23. Enhanced Accident Detection and victim Status indicating system
G-24. GSM + GPS+ Bluetooth Based accident monitoring system
G-25. LED Panel based Notice board for college (can be used in college after exam)
G-26. Soldier Health & Position Tracking System (Highly Recommended)
G-27. Internet of Things Based Smart Home with Security Alert using GSM
G-28. GSM based door sensor alerting system
G-29. GSM & Load Cell Based Over Weight Detection & sending Challan
G-30. ATM Security System using GSM and finger Module
G-31. Monthly Electricity Billing Display with Bill SMS Feature
G-32. Dustbin Monitoring System using Ultrasonic and GSM (Highly Recommended)
G-33. Women safety device using internet of things or GSM based
G-34. GPS-GSM Based Real Time Women Tracking System and Women Safety Device Call / SMS Alert
G-35. Fire Plus Hazardous Gas Detection and Instant SMS Alerting System
G-36. LASER based Border Security with GSM
G-37. Smart Onboard Public Information System using GPS & GSM Integration for Public Transport