Embedded Systems with 8051 (4 Weeks / 6 Weeks)

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Embedded System with 8051″ font_container=”tag:h1|text_align:center|color:%230b0be8″][vc_custom_heading text=”(4 weeks / 6 weeks)” font_container=”tag:h1|text_align:center|color:%23dd3333″][vc_column_text]

Course Highlights

  • Over 21 hands on Engineering projects
  • No Pre-Requisite [No Pre Knowledge required, we will teach u everything]
  • C language & Electronics covered
  • Fully Equipped Lab with all component & kits available for Students
  • Small Batch of 5 student for better Understanding [2 to 4 hrs. each day]

Unique Certified course which meets industrial requirements.

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S.No. Details
1.Β Β Β Β Β  Β  Introduction to EMBEDDED SYSTEM
Embedded System & Robotics

  • Scope and need of Embedded system
  • Choice of programming languages
  • Embedded system design
  • Microprocessors Vs Microcontrollers
  • Difference Between PIC, AVR Atmega, 8051 and Arduino Microcontroller
  • Software tools
  • Hardware tools
  • Introduction to AVR Development kit
  • Resistors, Current ,Voltage,Β  Capacitors, Inductors, Transformer ,
  • Ohms Law
  • KVL, KCL
  • Devices Diodes LED, LDR
  • Voltage Regulator 78xx,79xx, Potentiometer
  • Above component testing using Multi meter both Analog and Digital

Project 1 – Glowing LED’s

Project 2 – Converting Ac to Dc using rectifier

Project 3 – Mobile Charger

  • Transistor as amplifier & as Switch

Project 4 – Switching of LED’s, Motor using Transistor

Project 5 – Smart Street light using LDR & Transistor

  • AC | DC Motor
  • Types of Motors | How to choose
  • Motor control using H- Bridge
  • Motor driver L-293D , L298N

Project 6 – Direction control of DC Motor manual

  • Introduction to β€˜C’ language
  • Making your first program
  • β€˜C’ Character set
  • β€˜C’ Operators
  • Data types [char, int , float]
  • Control statements [if, else, switch, break]
6.Β Β Β Β Β  Β  Basic Function of Controller
  • GPIO
  • LED Blinking using Microcontroller
  • LED Pattern | Bitwise operations
  • Seven Segment Display
  • Buzzer Interfacing
  • Button
  • IR sensor & TSOP Sensor
  • Transistor & Relay interfacing

Project 7 – Control based smart fan by button

Project 8 – Gesture controlled Study Lamp

Project 9 – Direction control of DC Motor automatic

Project 10 – Smart Blind stick

7.Β Β Β Β Β  Β  Display LCD 20×4
  • Interfacing Circuit Description
  • Programming of LCD 16 x 2 & LCD 20 x 4
  • Character | String | MSG| Contrast Control Circuit

Project 11 – Stop watch

Project 12 – Score board for basketball game

Project 13- Visitor Counter | Object counter

8.Β Β Β Β Β  Β  Make Your 8051 Board
9.Β Β Β Β Β  Β  ADC
  • Introduction to ADC (Analog to Digital Conversion)
  • Interfacing different sensor like Temperature sensor LM 35

Project 14 – Temperature controlled fan

Project 15 – Weather Monitoring System

10.Β  Β  Serial Communication PART 1
  • Introduction Serial communication Rx tx
  • USART Register
  • RS232
  • RFID Card Reader

Project 16 – Communication Between two microcontroller

Project 17 – Display controlled using Lcd

11.Β  Β  Serial Communication PART 2
  • RFID Card Reader
12.Β  Β  Wireless Serial Communication PART 1
  • Bluetooth

Project 18 – Android Controlled Smart home

13.Β  Β  Wireless Serial Communication PART 3
  • RF communication
  • Encoder & Decoder IC

Project 19– Controlling of applications 100m away

14.Β  Β  PWM
  • PWM Registers in AVR
  • Generating PWM signal from IC pins

Project 20 – L.E.D Glowing

Project 21 – Speed control of DC motor using PWM

15.Β  Β  Theory EXAM
16.Β  Β  Practical Exam (Random project to be made by student)
17.Β  Β  Result and Certificate

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S.No. Details
1.Β Β Β  Β  Introduction to EMBEDDED SYSTEM
  • Scope and need of Embedded system
  • Choice of programming languages
  • Embedded system design
  • Microprocessors Vs Microcontrollers
  • Difference Between PIC, AVR , 8051 and Arduino Microcontroller
  • Software tools
  • Hardware tools
  • Introduction to AVR Development kit
  • Resistors, Current ,Voltage,Β  Capacitors, Inductors, Transformer ,
  • Ohms Law
  • KVL, KCL
  • Devices Diodes LED, LDR
  • Voltage Regulator 78xx,79xx, Potentiometer
  • Above component testing using Multi meter both Analog and Digital
  • Learn soldering on PCB
  • PCB Designing | Etching

Project 1 – Glowing LED’s

Project 2 – Converting Ac to Dc using rectifier

Project 3 – Mobile Charger

  • The transistor as amplifier & as Switch
  • Energy Meter (Electricity meter)

Project 4 – Switching of LED’s, Motor using Transistor

Project 5 – Smart Street light using LDR & Transistor

  • Motor
  • Types of Motors | How to choose
  • Motor control using H- Bridge
  • Motor driver L-293D , L298N

Project 6 – Direction control of DC Motor manual

5.Β Β Β  Β  PROGRAMMING IN β€˜C’ part 1
  • Introduction to β€˜C’ language
  • Making your first program
  • β€˜C’ Character set
  • β€˜C’ Operators
  • Data types [char, int , float]
  • Control statements [if, else, switch, break]
6.Β Β Β  Β  PROGRAMMING IN β€˜C’ part 2
  • Loops [while, for, do while]
  • Array [1D, 2D]
  • Pointers
  • String
  • Functions
7.Β Β Β  Β  Basic Function of Controller
  • GPIO
  • LED Blinking using Microcontroller
  • LED Pattern | Bitwise operations
  • Seven Segment Display
  • Buzzer Interfacing
  • Button
  • IR sensor & TSOP Sensor
  • Transistor & Relay interfacing

Project 7 – Control based smart fan by button

Project 8 – Gesture controlled Study Lamp

Project 9 – Direction control of DC Motor automatic

Project 10 – Smart Blind stick

Project 11 – Security system used in ARMY Area

8.Β Β Β  Β  Display LCD 20×4
  • Interfacing Circuit Description
  • Programming of LCD 16 x 2 & LCD 20 x 4
  • Character | String | MSG| Contrast Control Circuit

Project 12 – Electronics voting machine

Project 13 – Stop watch

Project 14 – Score board for basketball game

Project 15- Score board for Cricket game

Project 16- Visitor Counter | Object counter

9.Β Β Β  Β  Make Your 8051 on PCB
10.Β  ADC PART 1
  • Use of external ADC IC
  • Introduction to ADC (Analog to Digital Conversion)
  • Interfacing different sensor like Temperature sensor LM 35

Project 18 – Digital Thermometer

Project 19 – Temperature controlled fan

11.Β  ADC PART 2
  • LPG Gas sensor MQ5
  • Air quality Sensor MQ135 (NH3, Benzene, Smoke
  • Alcohol Sensor MQ3
  • Carbon Monoxide MQ7
  • DHT 11
  • Gaming | Accelerometer

Project 20 – Air Quality Monitoring System

Project 21 – Weather Monitoring System

12.Β  Serial Communication PART 1
  • Introduction Serial communication Rx tx
  • USART Register
  • RS232

Project 22 – Communication Between two microcontroller

Project 23 – PC controller Robotic Car

13.Β  Serial Communication PART 2
  • RFID Card Reader

Project 24 – RFID based attendance system

Project 25 – RFID Based toll system with anti-theft for vehicle

14.Β  Wireless Serial Communication PART 1
  • Bluetooth

Project 26 – Android Controlled Smart home

Project 27 – Bluetooth Controlled ROBOT car

15. Wireless Serial Communication PART 2
Project 28- Bluetooth Controlled Pick and place car

Project 29- String writing on LCD

16.Β  Wireless Serial Communication PART 3
  • RF communication
  • Encoder & Decoder IC

Project 30 – Controlling of applications 100m away

17.Β  PWM
  • PWM Registers in AVR
  • Generating PWM signal from IC pins

Project 31 – LED Glowing

Project 32 – Representing PWM waveform on Digital Oscilloscope

Project 33 – Speed control of DC motor using PWM

18.Β  Wireless Serial Communication PART 4
  • GSM 900A
  • GSM Different Type
  • GSM AT Commands
  • Receiving Call /making call
  • Project 34 – Air Conditioner control using GSM
  • GPS Introduction
  • GPS getting location from satellite
  • Receiving Location from GPS

Project 35 – Women Security using GPS GSM

Project 36 – Advanced accident Monitoring System on car

19.Β  Wireless Serial Communication PART 4
  • Introduction
  • Installing XCTU
  • ZigBee Rx & Tx
  • ZigBee Configuration

Project 37– Secure chatting through ZigBee’s

Project 38 – ZigBee based Home Automation

20.Β  Theory EXAM
21.Β  Practical Exam (Random project to be made by student)
22.Β  Result and Certificate
