Embedded System (4 Weeks / 6 Weeks)

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Embedded System | Robotics| IOT” font_container=”tag:h1|text_align:center|color:%230b0be8″][vc_custom_heading text=”AVR / ARDUINO” font_container=”tag:h1|text_align:center|color:%2322d8cc”][vc_custom_heading text=”(4 weeks / 6 weeks)” font_container=”tag:h1|text_align:center|color:%23dd3333″][vc_column_text]

Course Highlights

  • Over 23 hands-on Engineering projects
  • No Pre Requisite [No Pre Knowledge required, we will teach u everything]
  • C language & Electronics covered
  • Fully Equipped Lab with all component & kits available for Students
  • Small Batch of 5 students for better Understanding [2 to 4 hrs. each day]
  • Unique Certified course which meets industrial requirements

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S.No. Details
1. Introduction to EMBEDDED SYSTEM
Embedded System & Robotics

  • Scope and need of Embedded system
  • Choice of programming languages
  • Embedded system design
  • Microprocessors Vs Microcontrollers
  • Difference Between PIC, AVR Atmega, 8051 and Arduino
  • crocontroller
  • Software tools
  • Hardware tools
  • Introduction to AVR Development Kit
  • Resistors, Current, Voltage, Capacitors, Inductors, Transformer,
  • Ohms Law
  • KVL, KCL
  • Devices Diodes LED, LDR
  • Voltage Regulator 78xx,79xx, Potentiometer
  • Above component testing using Multimeter both Analog and Digital

Project 1– Glowing LED’s
Project 2– Converting Ac to Dc using the rectifier
Project 3– Mobile Charger

  • The transistor as amplifier & as Switch

Project 4– Switching of LED’s, Motor using Transistor
Project 5– Smart Street light using LDR & Transistor

  • AC | DC Motor
  • Types of Motors | How to choose
  • Motor control using H- Bridge
  • Motor driver L-293D, L298N

Project 6– Direction control of DC Motor manual

  • Introduction to β€˜C’ language
  • Making your first program
  • β€˜C’ Character set
  • β€˜C’ Operators
  • Data types [char, int, float]
  • Control statements [if, else, switch, break]
6. Basic Function of Controller
  • GPIO
  • LED Blinking using Microcontroller
  • LED Pattern | Bitwise operations
  • Seven Segment Display
  • Buzzer Interfacing
  • Button
  • IR sensor & TSOP Sensor
  • Transistor & Relay interfacing

Project 7– Control based smart fan by button
Project 8– Gesture controlled Study Lamp
Project 9– Direction control of DC Motor automatic
Project 10– Smart Blind stick

7. Display LCD 20×4
  • Interfacing Circuit Description
  • Programming of LCD 16 x 2 & LCD 20 x 4
  • Character | String | MSG| Contrast Control Circuit

Project 11– Stopwatch
Project 12– Scoreboard for the basketball game
Project 13– Visitor Counter | Object counter

8. Make Your Arduino on PCB
9. ADC Introduction to ADC (Analog to Digital Conversion)
  • Interfacing different sensor like Temperature sensor LM 35

Project 14– Temperature controlled fan
Project 15– Weather Monitoring System

10. Serial Communication PART 1
  • Introduction Serial communication Rx tx
  • USART Register
  • RS232
  • RFID Card Reader

Project 16– Communication Between two microcontroller
Project 17– Display controlled using Lcd

11. Serial Communication PART 2
  • RFID Card Reader


12. Wireless Serial Communication PART 1
  • Bluetooth

Project 18– Android Controlled Smart home

13. Wireless Serial Communication PART 3
  • RF communication
  • Encoder & Decoder IC

Project 19– Controlling of applications 100m away

14. PWM
  • PWM Registers in AVR
  • Generating PWM signal from IC pins

Project 20– L.E.D Glowing
Project 21– Speed control of DC motor using PWM

15. I2C Protocol SD Card
  • Introduction I2C
  • RTC Interfacing

Project 22– Digital Watch

16. Wireless Serial Communication PART 4
  • GSM 900A
  • GSM Different Type
  • GSM AT Commands
  • Receiving Call /making call

Project 23– Air Conditioner control using GSM

  • GPS Introduction
  • GPS getting the location from satellite
  • Receiving Location from GPS
17. Β Random project to be made by the student
18. Result

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S.No. Details
1. Introduction to EMBEDDED SYSTEM
  • Scope and need of Embedded system
  • Choice of programming languages
  • Embedded system design
  • Microprocessors Vs Microcontrollers
  • Difference Between PIC, AVR, 8051 and Arduino Microcontroller
  • Software tools
  • Hardware tools
  • Introduction to AVR Development Kit
  • Resistors, Current, Voltage,Β  Capacitors, Inductors, Transformer,
  • Ohms Law
  • KVL, KCL
  • Devices Diodes LED, LDR
  • Voltage Regulator 78xx,79xx, Potentiometer
  • Above component testing using Multimeter both Analog and Digital
  • Learn soldering on PCB
  • PCB Designing | Etching

Project 1 – Glowing LED’s

Project 2 – Converting Ac to Dc using a rectifier

Project 3 – Mobile Charger

  • The transistor as amplifier & as Switch
  • Energy Meter (Electricity meter)

Project 4 – Switching of LED’s, Motor using Transistor

Project 5 – Smart Street light using LDR & Transistor

  • Motor
  • Types of Motors | How to choose
  • Motor control using H- Bridge
  • Motor driver L-293D, L298N

Project 6 – Direction control of DC Motor manual

5. PROGRAMMING IN β€˜C’ part 1
  • Introduction to β€˜C’ language
  • Making your first program
  • β€˜C’ Character set
  • β€˜C’ Operators
  • Data types [char, int, float]
  • Control statements [if, else, switch, break]
6. PROGRAMMING IN β€˜C’ part 2
  • Loops [while, for, do while]
  • Array [1D, 2D]
  • Pointers
  • String
  • Functions
7. Basic Function of Controller
  • GPIO
  • LED Blinking using Microcontroller
  • LED Pattern | Bitwise operations
  • Seven Segment Display
  • Buzzer Interfacing
  • Button
  • IR sensor & TSOP Sensor
  • Transistor & Relay interfacing

Project 7 – Control based smart fan by button

Project 8 – Gesture controlled Study Lamp

Project 9 – Direction control of DC Motor automatic

Project 10 – Smart Blind stick

Project 11 – Security system used in ARMY Area

8. Display GLCD | OLED | LCD 20×4
  • Interfacing Circuit Description
  • Programming of LCD 16 x 2 & LCD 20 x 4
  • Character | String | MSG| Contrast Control Circuit

Project 12 – Electronics voting machine

Project 13 – Stopwatch

Project 14 – Scoreboard for the basketball game

Project 15- Scoreboard for Cricket game

Project 16- Visitor Counter | Object counter

9. Make Your Arduino on PCB
10. ADC PART 1
  • Introduction to ADC (Analog to Digital Conversion)
  • Interfacing different sensor like Temperature sensor LM 35

Project 18 – Digital Thermometer

Project 19 – Temperature controlled fan

11. ADC PART 2
  • LPG Gas sensor MQ5
  • Air quality Sensor MQ135 (NH3, Benzene, Smoke
  • Alcohol Sensor MQ3
  • Carbon Monoxide MQ7
  • DHT 11
  • Gaming | Accelerometer

Project 20 – Air Quality Monitoring System

Project 21 – Weather Monitoring System

12. Serial Communication PART 1
  • Introduction Serial communication Rx tx
  • USART Register
  • RS232

Project 22 – Communication Between two microcontroller

Project 23 – PC Controlled Led Dot matrix

Project 24 – PC controller Robotic Car

Project 25 – Display controlled using LCD

13. Serial Communication PART 2
  • RFID Card Reader

Project 26 – RFID based attendance system

Project 27 – RFID Based toll system with anti-theft for vehicle

14. Wireless Serial Communication PART 1
  • Bluetooth

Project 28 – Android Controlled Smart home

Project 29 – Bluetooth Controlled ROBOT car

15. Wireless Serial Communication PART 2
Project 30- Bluetooth Controlled propeller Clock

Project 31- Bluetooth Controlled Pick and place car

Project 32- String writing on LCD

16. Wireless Serial Communication PART 3
  • RF communication
  • Encoder & Decoder IC

Project 33 – Controlling of applications 100m away

17. PWM
  • PWM Registers in AVR
  • Generating PWM signal from IC pins

Project 34 – LED Glowing

Project 35 – Representing PWM waveform on Digital Oscilloscope

Project 36 – Speed control of DC motor using PWM

Project 37 – Over speed control of the vehicle in school area zone

18. I2C Protocol SD Card
  • Introduction I2C
  • RTC Interfacing

Project 38 – Digital Watch

Project 39 – Smart Alarm Clock

Project 40 – Digital Calendar

Project 41 – Medicine Box for Old people

Project 42 – Industrial Automation using RTC

19. SD Card | Data logger
  • SD Card interfacing

Project 43 – Temperature sensor based Data logger

20. Wireless Serial Communication PART 4
  • GSM 900A
  • GSM Different Type
  • GSM AT Commands
  • Receiving Call /making call

Project 44 – Air Conditioner control using GSM

  • GPS Introduction
  • GPS getting the location from satellite
  • Receiving Location from GPS

Project 45 – Women Security using GPS GSM

Project 46 – Advanced accident Monitoring System on car

21. Wireless Serial Communication PART 4
  • Introduction
  • Installing XCTU
  • ZigBee Rx & Tx
  • ZigBee Configuration

Project 47 – Secure chatting through ZigBee’s

Project 48 – ZigBee based Home Automation

22. Internet of things (IoT)
  • Introduction to the World of internet
  • Wi-Fi
  • Wi-Fi Configuration

Project 50 – Control of relay From Internet

Project 51 – Getting data on web server from Temperature sensor

23. Internet of things (IoT) PART 2
Project 52 – Control of relay using From Internet

Project 53 – IOT based Air quality meter

Project 54 – IOT based Patient Monitor

Project 55 – Smart Home Automation using Android app

24. Practical Exam (Random project to be made by the student)
25. Certificate
